In this futuristic fairy tale, Uma (Emma Roberts) wakes to find herself at Paradise Hills, a facility where high-class families send their daughters to become perfect versions of themselves.
Directed by Alice Waddington
In this futuristic fairy tale, Uma (Emma Roberts) wakes to find herself at Paradise Hills, a facility where high-class families send their daughters to become perfect versions of themselves.
Directed by Alice Waddington
Join us for a vibrant lineup of live action and animated narrative short films by women directors.
Emilia is a 30-something bisexual woman who refuses to grow up, despite the fact that her friends already have. Angélica is getting married; Clara and Renata seem to have their lives figured out—amazing jobs, family, kids—while Emilia is still living with her mother and trying to define her relationship with Mariana.
Directed by Ruth Caudeli
Julia Hart’s FAST COLOR opens the MFA, Boston half of the second annual Boston Women’s Film Festival.
Directed by Julia Hart