In this futuristic fairy tale, Uma (Emma Roberts) wakes to find herself at Paradise Hills, a facility where high-class families send their daughters to become perfect versions of themselves -- run by the mysterious Duchess (Mia Jovovich). The outspoken Uma finds solace in friendship with other Paradise Hills residents: Chloe (Danielle McDonald, Dumplin’; Pattycakes), Yu (Awkwafina), and Mexican popstar Amarna (Eiza González). Uma soon realizes that a sinister secret lurks behind all this beauty. With exquisite sets and costumes and a bounty of strong actresses, Paradise Hills is a fantasy confection with a dark horror center.
Directed by Alice Waddington (USA, 2019, 95 min.). Digital. Narrative feature.
Co-presented with Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival.
PLEASE NOTE: This film occurs outside of Museum hours. Please use the Linde Family Wing Entrance on Museum Road.