In this moody and mysterious narrative feature, a scenic lake house becomes a sanctuary for two young women. Karen (Otmara Marrero), 29, is just out of a long-term relationship and needing a place to lick her wounds, so she sneaks into her ex’s summer home. There she meets the precocious Lana (Sydney Sweeney), whose bold charisma is a welcome distraction. Both Karen and Lana are emotionally guarded, but their cautious flirtation brings each of them a sense of validation.
Sweeney and Marrero deliver hypnotic performances laced with intimacy. Equal parts psychological drama and sexual coming-of-age story, Clementine is a rumination on who we choose to love and how to let go. It’s a beautifully-rendered debut, marking the discovery of an exciting new female filmmaker to watch. — Description courtesy of The Tribeca Film Festival.
Directed by Lara Jean Gallagher (USA, 2019, 94 min). Narrative Feature.